Why I am not accepting donations

I am not asking, nor am I accepting financial donations. That being said, I will graciously accept my friends’ assistance with delivering mailers.

I am not rich . . . not at all. I live in a small bungalow in a blue collar neighbourhood with train tracks behind me. It’s not that I have buckets of money to spend on a campaign, but I have saved enough money that I can fund a modest campaign.

So, why am I not accepting donations?

1 There are people with more pressing financial needs and I would rather donations be given to them.

I have many friends who have lost employment because of the pandemic and associated public health orders. I have friends who are struggling to eke out a living on a measly income assistance payment. I have friends who live from paycheque to paycheque. (I have lived from paycheque to paycheque.) I have new immigrant friends who are struggling to find employment in this depressed economy. When I worked downtown, everyday I saw people who were relying on the generosity of others to get a meal. These needs are much greater than my need for campaign donations.

If anybody wanted to donate to my campaign, I would encourage them to give to the Regina Food Bank or Soul’s Harbor Rescue Mission or Carmichael Outreach or any other organization serving the underprivileged. I have given to many of these organizations.

2 There is a perceived conflict of interest when people accept donations from certain groups.

I am also concerned that accepting donations from certain groups could pose a conflict of interest. Trustees often hear union grievances. If I vote in favour of the union, I don’t want people to think that I have sided with the union because they have supported me. I respect trustees who have declared a conflict of interest and recused themselves from union-related discussions and decisions. However, I prefer to keep the lines of separation cleaner so I will not accept donations from unions or corporations. Frankly, I have great respect for candidates (from all levels of government) who refuse to accept donations from unions or corporations.

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