ELA A9: Conflicts, Issues, and Choices Week 3

“Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”
Ali Baba
This trailer to a mini-series of Arabian Nights, a mini-series adaptation that sticks fairly closely to the translation in our textbook.

This abridged version is for students on modified program:
Ali Baba and Forty Thieves Abridged Versions
Assignment below:
Conflict, Issues, and Choices The Forty Thieves

“Jury Deliberates Fates of Vigilante Five”
Conflicts, Issues, and Choices Jury Deliberates Fates of Vigilante Five

Link to the newspaper article: “Jury Deliberates Fates of Vigilante Five” (Canwest News Service, November 18, 2006.)

Newspaper Writing:
Conflicts, Issues, and Choices Newspaper Article of Forty Thieves
Conflicts, Issues, and Choices Newspaper Article of Forty Thieves Newspaper Article Modified